Trainings for enhancing teaching staff capacity for Central Asia partners

Press Release

The trainings are aimed at increasing the capacity of teachers of Central Asian partners to create courses and curricula, as well as to develop teaching materials in selected disciplines:

1. Territorial and urban characteristics

2. The systemic approach to study the sustainability

3. Territorial and urban components of competitiveness

4. Sustainability and competitiveness indices

5. Sustainability and competitiveness ranking of CA countries

6. Corporate environmental management

7. Corporate climate management

8. Circular economy fundamentals

9. Fundamentals CE Sustainability Policies

10. Circular Sustainable Entrepreneurship

11. Circular sustainable business models

The content of the trainings covers new trends and topics in the direction of the circular economy, the development and structuring of curricula and programs, the development of teaching materials, forms of organizing cooperation between education and business structures. During the face-to-face trainings, 2 people from each partner university will be involved to each European universities and the remaining members of the academic groups of partners will be involved online. The activities planned within the framework of project trainings in European partner universities will contribute to the expansion of academic excellence for partner universities through the implementation and promotion of the principles of the Circular Economy.

Participants, including professors from the Central Asia region, will engage in a comprehensive learning experience, sharing the innovative practices of EU partners in embedding CE concepts into their courses.

1. Trainings on Circular and Sustainable Economy

The centerpiece of this initiative is the " Trainings on Circular and Sustainable Economy", which aims to provide educators with the tools and knowledge to integrate CE principles into their teaching.

2. Empowering Educators for a Sustainable Future

The CirculEc project means the generating new economic insights by implementing the principles of the Circular Economy and thus contributing to sustainable development through the education system. This series of professional trainings is a very important and productive part of the project and will make a significant contribution to the formation of human capital for the higher education systems of the Central Asian countries.

About the CirculEc Project

The CirculEc (Development of innovative curricula and modules in Circular Economy and Sustainable Development) project is aimed to build the capacity of the human capital in the HEIs of Central Asian countries on a Circular Economy in order to provide staff, students and a wider public with the skills and competences aligned to the needs of local labor markets and environmental challenges CA countries face.

Project will update current subjects that HEIs have in the Circular Economy adapted to the needs of each country (KZ, TJ, TM, UZ).

For additional information, please contact:

Tajik State University of Commerce
Address: 734055, Tajikistan, Dushanbe, Dehoti Street, 1/2
Phone: +992 (37) 234 84 34
URL: http:/

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